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Queasy Congressional Task Force Sits on Physical Evidence

September 11, 2024 Photo Credit (Kenny Holston / The New York Times)*   It’s been two months since numerous investigations were begun into the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump. It’s no surprise that all these bloated but well-funded investigative entities have produced no new information since what was made public the day of the shooting. Nothing. NADA, Zip. A big hole in a donut! And, worse, the Congressional Investigative body, the Task Force on the Attempted Assassination of Donald J. Trump, which promises to provide its findings no later than December 13 of this year, reports that it has received important physical information, but it’s anyone’s guess when or if it will be released to the public. How is this possible?

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Journalist, Investigative Reporter & Author, Sharyl Attkisson, Visits Vero Beach

September 9, 2024 Vero Beach Book Center
Sharyl Attkisson, Journalist & Host of nonpartisan Sunday-morning TV Show Full Measure & Author  with Sheila Matthews, Cofounder of
Sharyl Attkisson has been a working journalist for more than forty years and is the host and managing editor of the nonpartisan Sunday-morning television program Full Measure with Sharyl Attkisson.  She has covered controversies under the administrations of Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama, Donald Trump, and Joe Biden, emerging, as the Washington Post put it, with a reputation as a "persistent voice of news-media skepticism about the government's story." She is the recipient of five Emmy Awards and an Edward R. Murrow Award for investigative reporting.  She has worked for CBS News, PBS, and CNN, and is a fifth-degree black belt master in tae kwon do. Also By Sharyl Attkisson: Slanted: How the News Media Taught Us to Love Censorship and Hate Journalism The Smear: How Shady Political Operatives and Fake News Control What You See, What You Think, and How You Vote Stonewalled: My Fight for Truth Against the Forces of Obstruction, Intimidation, and Harassment in Obama's Washington Her New Book Follow the Science, How Big Pharma Misleads, Obscures, and Prevails        

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School Shootings on Trial Again

September 9, 2024 In a hushed Georgia courtroom, father and son faced justice for a devastating murderous act that shook a community to its core. Fourteen-year-old Colt Gray sat before the judge, accused of snuffing out four lives at Apalachee High School. Grieving families watched silently as the teen faced four counts of first-degree murder, with the possibility of life in prison. Colin Gray, 54, followed his son into the courtroom and charged with contributing to the delinquency of a minor, four counts of involuntary manslaughter, and child cruelty. If convicted, Colin could face up to 180 years behind bars. As cameras captured the proceedings, father and son were assigned public defenders. After a brief recess, the teenage shooter was summoned back to the courtroom. The judge, realizing the need for clarification, formally advised the teenager that state law prohibited the death penalty for juveniles,

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The Beginning

Founded in 2001 by parents who had their own personal experiences with label and drug coercion by the education system, Ablechild has a personal commitment to inform, support, and unite others faced with all aspects involving labeling and drugging children. Ablechild has a full understanding of what a parent/caregiver goes through when dealing with school systems recommending, and many times pressuring a parent for mental health evaluations. We recognize that schools will many times force-feed mental health approaches on parents, while steering clear of science-based education resources and solutions.

We Need You

AbleChild is nothing without our supporters. Our organization is non-profit and we rely on support from our community to keep our services alive. Join us our on our journey to inform the world by donating financially, sharing our information, or following us on social media. Thanks to everyone who makes this possible!

Informed Consent

Knowing that informed consent is a must and a critical component in making an educated decision, Ablechild and many of its individual members have worked diligently since 2001 to provide the public with extensive information at Federal, State, and Local Governmental hearings, at educational conferences, events, Governmental meetings, and throughout national and local media circuits. We have directly advocated and worked on creating laws that would strengthen “Informed Consent” and guarantee a person’s “Right to Refuse” psychological testing and services via the education system.

Many members of this organization have advocated directly for state and federal legislation outlawing school personnel from recommending psychotropic drugs for children within schools across the nation. We can proudly say that our organization and the united efforts of its members were instrumental in the lobbying and passing of the Federal law entitled “Prohibition on Mandatory Medication Act”. This law is now part of the 2004 Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act (IDEA) and stands as the first of its kind, outlawing forced child drugging on a federal level.