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FBI Needs to Back Up Lone Gunman Theory with Make & Model of Weapon & Ballistics Findings

FBI Director Wray NBC Reporting
July 24, 2024 Eleven days after the near assassination of former President Donald Trump, the public still has received zero specific information about the attack, including what is the make and model of the alleged weapon and whether have they collected the projectiles that were fired, and do those projectiles match that alleged weapon? Also have there been DNA and fingerprints taken from the weapon and do those match that of the alleged shooter? This information is necessary to prove what weapon was used and by whom. The ballistics, DNA and fingerprint results ultimately are key to “proving” whether Crooks was the lone shooter. Law enforcement has not provided any information about the projectiles recovered but, it is interesting that law enforcement has acknowledged that eight shell casings had been collected from the roof of the AGR building. Whoopdafriggindo!

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Important Questions of Identification & Custody of Body of Would-be Assassin

Officials on Roof of the American Glass Research (AGR) International Building
July 21, 2024 AbleChild posted an exclusive article on July 18th revealing that the Allegany County, PA coroner’s office had conducted the autopsy on Thomas Matthew Crooks and according to Jessica in the coroner’s office the manner of death was homicide, and the cause of death was a gunshot wound.  However, the coroner’s office refused to provide any details about the date and time the body had arrived at the office and what tests had been conducted during the autopsy, such as a toxicology report which would include test for psychiatric drugs if the shooter had a mental health diagnosis. Contrary to several news articles, including FOX News and TMZ, the Coroner’s office did not publicly provide information about where the shooter, Thomas Mathew Crooks, was shot…that is where on his body. According to Fox, TMZ and other news organizations, “Crooks died from a gunshot wound to the head.” The coroner’s office only provided the following information: the cause of death is gunshot and manner of death is homicide.  The coroner’s office did not make public where on the shooter’s body the gunshot occurred.

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Autopsy of Shooter Reveals Gunshot Wound & Homicide

Photo Credit TMZ
July 18, 2024 Every day since the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump, the public and news outlets have been begging for morsels of any information that may provide some reason for the attempted attack that left one dead, two wounded and President Trump left alive by only millimeters. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is the lead investigative agency in this attack. So far, its investigation is lacking in so many areas it’s hard to know where to start. Five days after the attack the public still is looking at High School photos of the would-be assassin, though he was reportedly twenty years old. Why? Certainly, the shooter must have a more recent photo than High School. Additionally, the public has been told that the would-be assassin drove a blue Hyundai Sonata, a white minivan that was towed from the scene with explosive devices and the would-be assassin’s bicycle with a backpack. Couldn’t have driven all three. And where are the security camera data from buildings in the area? Wouldn’t that show, at a minimum, the shooter’s movements throughout the day?

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The Beginning

Founded in 2001 by parents who had their own personal experiences with label and drug coercion by the education system, Ablechild has a personal commitment to inform, support, and unite others faced with all aspects involving labeling and drugging children. Ablechild has a full understanding of what a parent/caregiver goes through when dealing with school systems recommending, and many times pressuring a parent for mental health evaluations. We recognize that schools will many times force-feed mental health approaches on parents, while steering clear of science-based education resources and solutions.

We Need You

AbleChild is nothing without our supporters. Our organization is non-profit and we rely on support from our community to keep our services alive. Join us our on our journey to inform the world by donating financially, sharing our information, or following us on social media. Thanks to everyone who makes this possible!

Informed Consent

Knowing that informed consent is a must and a critical component in making an educated decision, Ablechild and many of its individual members have worked diligently since 2001 to provide the public with extensive information at Federal, State, and Local Governmental hearings, at educational conferences, events, Governmental meetings, and throughout national and local media circuits. We have directly advocated and worked on creating laws that would strengthen “Informed Consent” and guarantee a person’s “Right to Refuse” psychological testing and services via the education system.

Many members of this organization have advocated directly for state and federal legislation outlawing school personnel from recommending psychotropic drugs for children within schools across the nation. We can proudly say that our organization and the united efforts of its members were instrumental in the lobbying and passing of the Federal law entitled “Prohibition on Mandatory Medication Act”. This law is now part of the 2004 Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act (IDEA) and stands as the first of its kind, outlawing forced child drugging on a federal level.