CT State Police Appeal Freedom of Information Ruling for Lanza Documents
The Freedom of Information (FOI) Commission ruled Connecticut State Police must release personal documents seized from Adam Lanza’s home during the course of the investigation into the 2012 killings of 20 children and six adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School. The Connecticut State Police appealed that decision, which is pending.
Certainly there are several key documents of great interest to Ablechild such as Nancy Lanza’s journal, Adam Lanza’s psychiatric billing and educational records, and the GPS of Nancy Lanza’s car.
AbleChild has always maintained the position that it is critical for the taxpayers to understand all the facts in the mass murder in Sandy Hook, Newtown, Connecticut in order to understand and participate in the legislation that has come out of the incident.
Within hours of the closing of the 2012 legislative session and despite the fact lawmakers did not have access to the final police investigation, PA 13-3 was passed. There was no public hearing held on PA 13-3, it was passed under a rare legislative “emergency ruling.”
This legislation allocated millions of taxpayer funds to more mental health services and severe gun control measures.
AbleChild filed a FOI request immediately following the killings in Newtown for similar documents, AbleChild vs. Chief Medical Examiner.
AbleChild represented the public’s right to obtain all the information that may have impacted Lanza’s decision. During that same time, the New York Times ran an article making claims that Adam Lanza lacked mental health treatment. This is impossible to know without all the information being released for public review.
With billions of taxpayer dollars at stake and public safety hanging in the balance, the public continues to be denied basic information. This is unacceptable.
Adam Lanza, FOI Appeal, Lanza Documents, Nancy Lanza, PA 13-3, Psychiatric Billing, State Police