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Will Connecticut Lawmakers Fall for DCF’s Pathetic Vow to Reform Itself?

The agency that failed to give children and families basic human rights is asking for blind trust, once again, to reform themselves.

Lawmakers should not fall for this pathetic vow.  AbleChild is calling for specific laws to prevent this child abuse and disregard for human rights to continue.  The suggestions were provided to both political parties and will be posted on our website.

Our organization is working with both democrats and republicans to ensure for basic informed consent rights in mental health and to ensure the State provide alternatives to dangerous mind-alter psychiatric drugs currently being force fed to children mandated into state care.

This executive agency (DCF) has given the children in State care over to the behavioral health vendors (the behavioral health oversight committee).  Currently this “stacked vendor” committee reports outside the legislative process directly to the Connecticut Governor.  To allow DCF and the “stakeholder vendors” the ability to reform themselves is insane.  This committee’s oversight has been a complete and utter failure through both a Democrat and Republican Governorship.

It is time the people pass laws to prevent this abuse of power and protect children in State care.

DCF vows to reduce restraints, improve clinical care at juvenile jails

Clinical Care Juvenile Jails, Connecticut Lawmakers, CT DCF, Deadly Resraints