Medwatch: Time is of the Essence
Take Action: Push for MedWatch Information
With the medical federal state of emergency, the government is looking to fast track potentially life-saving pharmaceuticals and vaccines. Given these circumstances, we feel this is a perfect time to educate consumers about MEDWATCH, the adverse event drug reporting system for the consumer. MEDWATCH allows the public to report adverse side effects from medications, medical devices, and other FDA-regulated products, and then publishes any necessary safety alerts.
This can allow these potentially life-saving medications to fast track to market while offering protection to consumers. Though they are well aware of this consumer reporting system, the FDA hasn’t done much publicizing about it. As a result very few people are even aware that MEDWATCH exists.
We recently met with Senator Rubio and Congressman Posey regarding the urgent need for the introduction of MEDWATCH legislation. We followed up with a letter asking them to cosponsor a bill to educate the public on the importance of MEDWATCH, and they have responded. This bill could make a huge impact on consumer safety in our Country, both now and in the future. Please take action by filling out this form and submitting the letter.
The more people that support this, the more likely these legislators are to take action.