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Get Hatched! Parent tool for Informed Consent to Battle the System! Requested by Popular Demand

AbleChild Rumble Appearance on “The Flame” & The Request for The Hatch Amendment

AbleChild was delighted to join the team on The Flame podcast.  During our guest appearance, we were asked to write an article relating to the Hatch Amendment to educate parents how to use it.  So, here we go.

First, parents must understand that Federal law has us all in an “opt out” position.  What does this mean?  Your child is automatically in a position of “opt in” or enrolled into all the nasty programs of the archaic public education system.

Therefore, in order for your child not to participate in any of these programs that do not agree with your family moral compass, the answer is to “opt out.”   This works for an activity, a class, or an event.

So how do you do it?  The Hatch Campaign PDF, the letter.

There is a letter called the Hatch Amendment, created by Senator Hatch that you file into your child’s records.  The sample is included in this post.  The school is required to make alternative educational resources available to your child during the time that class or instruction is taking place.  You must be notified prior to any instruction that is in direct conflict, as described in the letter, with your family’s moral compass.  Parents should file it each year with the administration office.  Make sure to as well have a copy on hand to provide to new teachers along the way.

What happens if the school breaks your Hatch Amendment? You may write a letter of violation to the school and copy the board of education, state board of education, and your local house and senate representative.  You may create a violation letter, in a nice way, to alert them you utilized the Hatch Amendment and it was not implemented.  Let us know how it works for you.  Encourage other parents to utilize it.  Help each other!

Get Hatched!