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Titles are arranged alphabetically by author.
Anderson, Joan
Buster B. Basset Hound – The Label Buster
Finally a book for families that not only discusses the problems caused by labeling children but also offers explanations and solutions that a child can understand. This entertaining book is written from a child’s perspective and validates a child’s feelings about being labeled. Taking a positive and uplifting approach, the story explains how the labeling is not the child`s fault and what can be done to stop it.
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The Myth of the A.D.D Child: 50 Ways to Improve Your Child’s Behavior and Attention Span Without Drugs, Labels, or Coercion
By Thomas Armstrong
A psychologist challenges current diagnoses of Attention Deficit Disorder and shows how to deal with hyperactivity and short attention spans through practical strategies for making the most of a child’s vitality and creativity.
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And They Call It Help: The Psychiatric Policing of America’s Children
By Louise Armstrong
A valuable expose of the fate of many children and adolescents assigned to psychiatric hospitals and mental health treatment centers in the U.S. In this expose-type work, Armstrong, the best-selling author of Kiss Daddy Good night ( LJ 6/15/78), reveals how “problem” teenagers and children have become prisoners of psychiatric hospitals. According to the author, it is greed that motivates these institutions to force young people into enduring tyrannical treatment over which they have absolutely no control.
Just Because You`re Depressed Doesn`t Mean You Have Depression, Depression Is a Symptom Not a Disease, So Find the Cause — Fix the Problem
By Dr. Mary Ann Block
In her new book, Dr. Mary Ann Block exposes the truth about the diagnosis of depression and reveals the dangers and risks of current drugs prescribed for it. If you or someone you love is one of the 19 million people diagnosed with or suffering with the symptom of depression, the information in this book could literally save your life. In her clear and easy-to-understand writing style, Dr. Block again takes on the often flawed area of psychiatry to help people understand the real issues surrounding their symptoms. If you don`t have all the information you can`t make an educated decision.
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No More ADHD
By Dr. Mary Ann Block
In her new book, No More ADHD, 10 Steps To Help Improve Your Child`s Attention and Behavior WITHOUT Drugs, Dr. Mary Ann Block, top-selling author of the groundbreaking book, No More Ritalin, reveals the truth about the ADHD diagnosis and helps parents, step by step identify and improve their child`s true health and learning problems. Dr. Block takes the reader on a shocking journey behind the scenes of the medical profession to expose the origin of the ADHD label and explains how children’s attention and behavior symptoms can be the result of real and explainable health and learning problems.
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No More Ritalin: Treating ADHD Without Drugs
By Dr. Mary Ann Block
Ever year in the U.S., over two million children are given the drug Ritalin to combat Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Now, Dr. Mary Ann Block shows why Ritalin may be very dangerous to a child’s health–and offers parents safer and more effective alternatives. Using thorough research and actual case histories from her clinic, Dr. Block provides powerful evidence that a drug-free approach works.
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True Nature and Great Misunderstandings
By John Breeding, Ph.D.
Breeding says that we care for children according to our understanding. If we understand children to be inherently violent, we can expect to be struggling to tame violent urges from here on. If we forget that children are born with an insatiable curiosity and absorbent minds, and instead think we need to use reward and punishment to make them learn, then we get a system that creates dumb, unmotivated students. If we believe that failures in adjustment are due to biologically based “mental illnesses” like “attention deficit disorder,” then we end up with millions of our precious children on toxic drugs. This book will help to clean these distorted mirrors of perception.
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The Wildest Colts Make the Best Horses
By John Breeding, Ph.D.
This timely book calls for a halt to the epidemic drugging of young people in our society today for so-called ADHD. John Breeding is a clear, strong advocate for young people and a great ally to parents wanting support to resist pressure to label and drug their children. He offers a wealth of information and guidance to concerned adults on biopsychiatry, on schools, and on counseling children.
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The Necessity of Madness and Unproductivity:Psychiatric Oppression or Human Transformation
By John Breeding, Ph.D.
This book is about psychiatric oppression: what it is, how it works, and how it came to be. John Breeding shows how psychiatry suppresses and punishes experiences which are completely natural and, in fact, necessary to achieve spiritual maturity. He argues that experiences of temporary “madness” and unproductivity, while violating society’s demand for continuous productivity, are essential if individuals are to grow and mature. Readers will find information to help themselves and their families; psychiatric survivors will better understand their experiences and find guidance for the process of renewal; professionals will be stimulated to think in new ways about their work and about the system in which they play so vital a role.
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Talking Back to Ritalin: What Doctors Aren’t Telling You About Stimulants and ADHD
By Peter R. Breggin, M.D.Millions of children take Ritalin for Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. The drug’s manufacturer, Novartis, claims that Ritalin is the “solution” to this widespread problem. But hidden behind the well-oiled public-relations machine is a potentially devastating reality: children are being given a drug that can cause the same bad effects as amphetamine and cocaine, including behavioral disorders, growth suppression, neurological tics, agitation, addiction, and psychosis. Talking Back to Ritalin uncovers these and other startling facts and translates the research findings for parents and doctors alike.
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The Ritalin Fact Book: What Your Doctor Won’t Tell You
By Peter R. Breggin, M.D.Known as the “Ralph Nader of psychiatry,” Peter Breggin has been the medical expert in countless civil and criminal cases involving the use or misuse of psychoactive medications. This unusual position has given him unprecedented access to private pharmaceutical research and correspondence files, access that informs this straight-talking guide to the most-prescribed and controversial class of psychoactive medications prescribed for children. From how these drugs work in the brain to documented side and withdrawal effects, The Ritalin Fact Book is up-to-the-minute and easy-to-access. With its suggestions for non-prescriptive ways to treat ADD and ADHD, it is essential reading for every parent whose child is on or who has been recommended psychoactive medication.
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Reclaiming Our Children: A Healing Solution for a Nation in Crisis
By Peter R. Breggin, M.D.Children have been sliding down our priority list for too long. Busy parents give children leftover time-those few remaining minutes after work and recreation. Stressed teachers have put conformity and good grades ahead of stimulating children to love learning. The many adults who are motivated to do their best often find themselves at a loss over what to do. Our children, desperately missing us in their lives, look in the wrong places for solace and support. While only a few become openly violent, many more feel humiliated, frustrated, lonely, and angry.
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Your Drug May Be Your Problem: How and Why to Stop Taking Psychiatric Medications
By Peter R. Breggin, M.D.While a doctor may take fifteen minutes to determine the need for a psychiatric drug, the patient may end up taking it for months, years, or a lifetime. We deserve to know the dangers in advance -including the difficulties we may encounter when trying to withdraw. Your Drug May Be Your Problem is the only book to provide an up-to-date, uncensored description of the dangers involved in taking every kind of psychiatric medication, and it is the first and only book to explain how to coordinate a safe withdrawal from them
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They Say You’re Crazy: How the World’s Most Powerful Psychiatrists Decide Who’s Normal
By Paula J. Caplan
Self-Defeating Personality Disorder, Nicotine Dependence, Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder, Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder-these are some of the 400 “mental illnesses” described in the American Psychiatric Association’s diagnostic bible, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). Caplan (The Myth of Women’s Masochism), a psychologist and former consultant to the DSM, compellingly argues that “much of what is labeled ‘mental illness’ would more appropriately be called problems in living.” Psychologist Caplan shows how the American Psychiatric Association’s bible, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, lacks the scientific basis claimed for it. Drawing on her years as an adviser-consultant to various related APA committees, she brings to light the association’s lack of interest in outsiders’ views and the sloppy design and execution of the research it accepts as authoritative.
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Coping With Children’s Temperament: A Guide for Professionals
By Dr. William Carey
The renowned Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia has once again produced a remarkably wise and useful reference for parents. Former U.S. Surgeon General C. Everett Koop is spot-on when he says in the foreword that the book “should revolutionize parenting for many readers.” That is, especially for those parents who are tired of euphemistically referring to their kid as a “spirited child” and find themselves frequently exhausted and embarrassed by their child’s temper tantrums, insensitive remarks, and general impatience, self-centeredness, and irritability. Instead of merely advocating ways to discipline behavioral problems, this book will help you fathom just where your child’s inscrutable (but normal) outbursts are coming from–to prevent and better manage them in the future. Once Dr. Carey has walked you through the process of profiling your child’s temperament according to these easy-to-comprehend factors (and the ways it affects you that you’re probably unaware of), you’ll learn specific techniques for managing your child’s behavioral problems both at home and at school.
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The Myth of the Hyperactive Child: And Other Means of Child Control
By Diane Divoky and Peter Schrag 1975
“For the last half century, Americans have been responding to real and imagined social problems by pinning derogatory labels on people, excluding them from opportunities available to others, and then bemoaning the worsening of the problems. Some of the newest and most dangerous labels stigmatize young children. They are called ‘hyperactive,’ ‘predelinquent,’ or are said to suffer from ‘learning disabilities.’ In their fine book, Diane Divoky and Peter Schrag give us an absorbing account of what is going on. The information they gather and the insights they share with us give us a chance to save our children from the awful things done to them in the guise of helping them.” –Aryeh Neier Executive Director, American Civil Liberties Union.
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Manufacturing Victims: What the Psychology Industry Is Doing to People
By Dr. Tana Dineen
After thirty years in the profession, Dr. Tana Dineen has written an unflinching critique of modern Psychology and Psychotherapy. This controversial best-selling exposé of the Psychology Industry was first published in 1996. Now available in its revised, updated and less expensive 3rd edition, it is no less popular nor less explosive than when it first appeared. Cited in Time and the New York Times, among other wide-circulation publications, Tana Dineen’s scathing attack on the abuses and misuses of corrupted psychotherapy is a must read for care-givers and care-takers alike. And for would-be care-takers too. Topics covered include Victim-Making, Fabricated Victims, Selling Psychology as a Science, The Business of Psychology, The Technology of Victim-Making, The Rise to Power of the Psychology Industry, and Living in the Shadow of the Psychology Industry. Fully supported by end of book notes and index, and with a suggested reading list, this is one of the most important books on psychology to appear in recent years. The author has been often–and always unsuccessfully–attacked by representatives of corporate psychology who have resorted to character assassination rather than reason to try and prove Dr. Dineen wrong.
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Why Johnny Can’t Read: And What You Can Do about It
By Rudolf FleschThe classic book on phonics–the method of teaching recommended by the U.S. Department of Education. Contains complete materials and instructions on teaching children to read at home.
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Why Johnny Still Can’t Read: A New Look at the Scandal of Our Schools
By Rudolf FleschThe first book was mainly a primer on phonic reading, with enough about the phonics debate to justify following his program. The second book is devoted exclusively to the ongoing debate about phonics, and makes for fascinating reading–especially if you get steamed by incompetence, and are fascinated by conflict. Some thirty years after the first book was written, Rudolph Flesch observes that things haven’t improved in reading class. Kids still get through school functionally illiterate, and the perpetrators of this crime still claim that we need THEM to solve the problem.
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Why Your Child Is Hyperactive
By Ben FeingoldContains detailed information by the doctor who first reported that hyperactivity in children is often caused by artificial food coloring and food flavoring. Includes the Feingold diet and how it should be applied.
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Feingold Cookbook for Hyperactive Children
By Ben FeingoldExplains the problems of dietary management, brings the scientific evidence up-to-date and provides a list of forbidden foods. Includes recipes and menus for additive and salicylate-free meals for the entire family.
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Dumbing Us Down: The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling
By John Taylor GattoThis radical treatise on public education has been a New Society Publishers’ bestseller for 10 years! Thirty years of award-winning teaching in New York City’s public schools led John Gatto to the sad conclusion that compulsory governmental schooling does little but teach young people to follow orders as cogs in the industrial machine. In celebration of the ten-year anniversary of Dumbing Us Down and to keep this classic current, we are renewing the cover art, adding new material about John and the impact of the book, and a new Foreword.
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Understanding Waldorf Education: Teaching from the Inside Out
By John Taylor GattoWritten by a teacher with more than 25 years of experience, this book offers a jargon-free view of Waldorf schools with their philosophy of the importance of a three-dimensional education. Through learning experiences that involve all of the senses, children use a variety of intelligences to develop thought, feeling, and intentional, purposeful activity. Whether you’re a Waldorf parent or teacher, or you just want to learn more about these innovative educational concepts, this book contains important ideas on learning that you can apply today.
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The Exhausted School: Bending the Bars of Traditional Education
By John Taylor GattoThese 13 essays, presented at the 1993 National Grassroots Speaks out on the Right to School Choice, illustrate how education reform actually works. Written by award-winning teachers and their students, these essays present successful teaching methods that work in both traditional and nontraditional classroom settings.
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A Different Kind of Teacher: Solving the Crisis of American Schooling
By John Taylor GattoJohn Taylor Gatto analyzes the roots of the modern American education system, detailing how it was designed to foster economic interests and facilitate management of the labor force. He then outlines ways to revitalize the system, advocating greater emphasis on critical analysis, creativity, practicality, and real-world exposure in the curriculum. He also calls on educators and administrators to acknowledge young people’s need for a spiritual and ethical framework upon which to build a good life
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The Underground History of American Education
By John Taylor GattoWith conspiracy so close to the surface of the American imagination and American reality, I can only approach with trepidation the task of discouraging you in advance from thinking my book the chronicle of some vast diabolical conspiracy to seize all our children for the personal ends of a small, elite minority.Don’t get me wrong, American schooling has been replete with chicanery from its very beginnings.*Indeed, it isn’t difficult to find various conspirators boasting in public about what they pulled off. But if you take that tack you’ll miss the real horror of what I’m trying to describe, that what has happened to our schools was inherent in the original design for a planned economy and a planned society laid down so proudly at the end of the nineteenth century. I think what happened would have happened anyway—without the legions of venal, half-mad men and women who schemed so hard to make it as it is. If I’m correct, we’re in a much worse position than we would be if we were merely victims of an evil genius or two.
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Informed Consent: The Consumer’s Guide to the Risks and Benefits of Volunteering for Clinical Trials
By Kenneth Getz and Deborah BorfitzInformed Consent(tm) is a 300-page book designed to assist patients, their family and advocates in making more informed decisions before giving their consent to volunteer for a clinical trial and during their participation. This first-of-its-kind consumer guidebook provides comprehensive facts and objective, expert commentary to assist patients and their advocates in understanding their rights and recourse as study volunteers, what to expect when participating in a clinical trial and how research professionals conduct studies on new drug therapies
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Warning: Psychiarty Can Be Hazardous to Your Mental Health
By William Glasser, M.D.From William Glasser, bestselling author of Choice Theory and Reality Therapy, comes this provocative, fresh look at how psychopharmacology has usurped the role of psychotherapy in our society, to the great detriment of the patients involved.In the last twenty years, psychiatry has changed completely. The vast majority of psychiatrists who used to counsel now gather together lists of symptoms such as depression, anxiety, and compulsions, wrongly call them mental illnesses, and claim they should be treated by brain drugs — Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, and Ritalin among them. Compassion, counseling, and mental health have been reduced to tiny blips on the current psychiatric screen.This book presents scientific proof that there is nothing wrong with your brain and there is no pill for the happiness you need. It strongly supports counseling but goes further, because the majority of people with symptoms can’t afford or wont accept counseling. It teaches how you can, by yourself or with your family’s help, improve your own mental health at no cost and at no risk to yourself. If you or a family member has been diagnosed as mentally ill, this is the book you should read.
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The Conspiracy of Ignorance: The Failure of American Public Schools
By Martin L. Gross
Never before have public school students been so poorly educated. On national exams, almost 40 percent of fourth graders are reading at “below basic” levels, and in international contests in math and science, our seventeen-year-olds score near the bottom.
In a shocking expose of the Educational Establishment, Martin L. Gross describes how the typical teacher is academically inferior and trained in dubious “educational psychology” and faddish “whole language” methods. Indeed, most teachers and administrators come from the bottom third of their class and are outscored on the SAT tests by their own college-bound students. The curriculum is so weak that only one in five students ever take trigonometry, physics, or geography in high school. The usual remedies-from smaller class sizes to federal aid-fail because the Etablishment is intent on maintaining both control and lower academic standards. Lucid, persuasive, and meticulously researched, The Conspiracy of Ignorance asks- and answers–the questions educators are afraid to ask. This book is desperately needed if American schoolchildren are to prosper in today’s competitive world.
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The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America: A Chronological Paper Trail
By Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt
“The entire history of the education restructuring effort is carefully and thoroughly documented in a recent book called The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America. The book was written by Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt, a former official at the Department of Education in the Reagan Administration. While there in 1981-1982, Charlotte found the “mother lode” hidden away at the Department. In short, she found all of the education establishment’s plans for restructuring America’s classrooms. Not only did she find the plans for what they intended to do, she discovered how they were going to do it and most importantly why. Since uncovering this monstrous plan, Charlotte Iserbyt has dedicated her life to getting that information into the hands of parents, politicians and the news media.” Tom DeWeese, publisher/editor of The DeWeese Report and president of the American Policy Center, a grassroots, activist think tank. The Center, headquartered in Warrenton, VA, maintains an Internet site at
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Teaching the Restless: One School’s Remarkable no-Ritalin Approach to Helping Children Learn and Succeed
By Chris MercoglianoWe’ve all read the stories about medicating hyperactive (ADHD) kids. The controversy shows no signs of ending, as parents and doctors debate the merits of diagnosing and medicating children at younger and younger ages. Chris Mercogliano has a strong opinion on the matter, and he enters the debate as an educator. In Teaching the Restless, Mercogliano issues an urgent call for a shift in how our society perceives hyperactive children—away from theories of faulty brain chemistry and toward an understanding of children’s lives.
Mercogliano co-directs the Albany Free School in Albany, New York.Critical New Perspectives on ADHD
By Gwynedd Lloyd Experts from all over the world take a critical, highly international and often controversial perspective on the ADHD phenomenon – a condition that has reached global proportions, significantly affecting the lives of children, parents and teachers worldwide. This book raises a number of concerns often not covered by the material currently available to parents and practitioners. Click here for more information and to purchase
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Prescription for Disaster: the Hidden Dangers in Your Medicine Cabinet
By Thomas J. Moore
Become an informed consumer–learn how to get the greatest benefits from prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications, and natural compounds at the lowest risk. The long-term safety of Ritalin is unknown, yet hundreds of thousands of children take it daily. Prozac is linked to 242 adverse effects. Xanax can be highly addictive. But most doctors don’t warn patients about the risks of the medication they prescribe. What can you do? This groundbreaking book sounds a clear warning about the serious health risks associated with prescription drugs and over-the-counter medications–and exposes the side effects that kill 100,000 people a year and put another million in the hospital. Consumer advocate and prizewinning investigative journalist Thomas Moore reveals the shocking truth about the dangers you face each time you swallow a pill, offering invaluable advice on becoming an informed consumer–and keeping yourself and your family safe.
Selling Sickness
by Ray Moynihan and Alan CasselsThis accessible study about the collusion between medical science and the drug industry emphasizes how drug companies market their products by either redefining problems as diseases (like female sexual dysfunction) or redefining a condition to encompass a greater percentage of the population. Moynihan, a health journalist for the New England Journal of Medicine and the Lancet, and Cassels, a Canadian science writer, note, for instance, that eight of the nine specialists who wrote the 2004 federal guideline on high cholesterol, which substantially increased the number of people in that category, have multiple financial ties to drug manufacturers. Physicians now routinely prescribe cholesterol-lowering pills (statins) that may have perilous side effects, when many people could lower their risk of heart attack with less costly and dangerous steps, such as exercise and improved diet. Through aggressive merchandising, funding of medical conferences and expensive perks, drug companies win doctors over to diagnosing these “diseases” and prescribing drugs for them. Click here for more information and to purchaseConfessions of an Rx Drug Pusher
by Gwen OlsenOn December 2, 2004, Gwen Olsen’s niece Megan committed suicide by setting herself on fire-and ended her tortured life as a victim of the adverse effects of prescription drugs. Olsen’s poignant autobiographical journey through the darkness of mental illness and the catastrophic consequences that lurk in medicine cabinets around the country offers an honest glimpse into alarming statistics and a health care system ranked last among nineteen industrialized nations worldwide. As a former sales representative in the pharmaceutical industry for several years, Olsen learned firsthand how an unprecedented number of lethal drugs are unleashed in the United States market, but her most heartrending education into the dangers of antidepressants would come as a victim and ultimately, as a survivor. Click here for more information and to purchase
Psyched Out: How Psychiatry Sells Mental Illness and Pushes Pills That Kill
By Kelly Patricia O’MearaThat people are suffering isn’t in question. Whether they actually suffer from a psychiatric disorder that is a known objective, confirmable abnormality of the brain is in question because selling mental disorders as “disease,” such as the theoretical chemical imbalance, has become the norm in the medical/psycho pharmaceutical Community and it is blatantly false. The People, if given the truth, can take it. The decision to accept the psychiatric diagnosis and seek treatment with psychiatric mind-altering drugs may be no different, but at least the decision will be based on all the truth, the objective confirmable scientific evidence, not theories.
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Is This Your Child?
By Doris RappDoris Rapp, M.D., F.A.A.A., F.A.A.P., is a board-certified environmental medical specialist and pediatric allergist for children. She is clinical assistant professor of pediatrics at the State University of New York at Buffalo. She is the founder of the Practical Allergy Foundation in Buffalo and is the past president of the American Academy of Environmental Medicine. This breakthrough book offers a simple yet effective approach to handling “problem” children. Is This Your Child? shows parents how to identify the common foods, chemicals, or common allergic substances that could be the culprits that cause some children or adults to feel unwell or act inappropriately. If your child is always sick, hyperactive, a slow learner, or cranky, the first question you should ask is not “What drug should be prescribed?” or “What have I done wrong as a parent?” Instead, find out the cause.
The Diseasing of America’s Children: Exposing the ADHD Fiasco and Empowering Parents to Take Back Control
By Dr. Bose RavenelHow parents, teachers, and even professionals are being deceived by the “ADHD Establishment” regarding ADHD and other childhood behavior disorders and the drugs used to treat them. The issue of diagnosing children with behavioral diseases that do not conform to a scientific definition of disease, and then medicating them is a scandal ready to erupt.
The Well-Behaved Child: Discipline that Really Works!
By John Rosemond A parenting workshop in a book! The biggest frustration felt by today’s parents is in the area of discipline. Family psychologist, best-selling author, and parenting expert John Rosemond uses his thirty-six years of professional experience working with families to develop the quintessential “how to” book for parents. Rosemond’s step-by-step program, based on biblical principles, traditional parenting approaches, and common sense, covers a wide range of discipline problems applicable to children from toddler to teen.Sections include: Essential Discipline Principles, Essential Discipline Tools, Perplexing Problems and Simple Solutions, Not Your Everyday Problems, General Questions and Answers (Troubleshooting)John Rosemond’s New Parent Power!
By John RosemondJohn Rosemond is the dean of traditional, non-psychological parenting. Now, the author of nine best-selling books on raising children has combined his two most successful volumes into a single revised and updated edition for new parents – and those who need new ideas. John Rosemond’s New Parent Power!, presents the renowned family psychologist’s complete philosophy and methodology from the original Parent Power! supported by the details of his Six-Point Plan For Raising Happy, Healthy Children. As always, Rosemond delivers with a highly readable and refreshing tone, urging parents to listen to their hearts and their gut.Parenting by The Book: Biblical Wisdom for Raising Your Child
By John Rosemond In the 1960s, American parents stopped listening to their elders when it came to child rearing and began listening instead to professional experts. Since then, raising children has become fraught with anxiety, stress, and frustration. The solution, says John, lies in raising children according to biblical principles, the same principles that guided parents successfully for hundreds of years. They worked then, and they still work now!
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The Shooting Drugs – Prozac and its Generation Exposed on the Internet
By Donna SmartThis book was written by a Prozac survivor. No medical book will give you such clear and truthful insight into what happens to the minds of people taking these types of SSRI drugs. No one can read this book and still turn a blind eye or deaf ear to the shocking reality it provides. This book gives you the truth you will never get from most doctors, or drug companies whose biggest concern is profit dollars. As this book warns “There are many types of drug pushers today — don’t be fooled by the so-called ‘legitimate’ ones who work in big offices, carry briefcases, and wear fancy suits”. Never trust your life to any drug, without researching it fully.
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Ritalin Is Not The Answer : A Drug-Free, Practical Program for Children Diagnosed with ADD or ADHD
By Dr. David B. SteinNearly one-tenth of all school-aged children in the United States are being coerced into taking mood-altering drugs with side effects that include insomnia, tearfulness, rebound irritability, personality change, nervousness, anorexia, nausea, dizziness, headaches, heart palpitations, and cardiac arrhythmia. These are the children diagnosed with attention deficit disorder (ADD) or attention deficit with hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Ritalin Is Not the Answer confronts and challenges what has become common practice and teaches parents and educators a healthy, comprehensive behavioral program that really works as an alternative to the epidemic use of medication-without teaching children to use drugs in order to handle their behavioral and emotional problems.
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Ritalin is Not the Answer Action Guide: An Interactive Companion to the Bestselling Drug-Free ADD/ADHD Parenting Program
By Dr. David B. SteinNow the same principles and tools of the acclaimed Caregivers’ Skill Program that Dr. Stein outlined in Ritalin Is Not the Answer are present in this easy-to-use companion workbook. Filled with self-tests, specific step-by-step guidelines, checklists, and exercises, Ritalin Is Not the Answer Action Guide offers a healthy, comprehensive behavioral program that has been proven to work!
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Unraveling The ADD/ADHD Fiasco
By Dr. David B. SteinThe number of children being diagnosed with ADD/ADHD has skyrocketed, along with prescriptions for Ritalin and other powerful amphetamine drugs to treat these problem children. This pharmaceutical answer to a behavioral disorder is one of the most controversial subjects in parenting today, and Dr. David Stein offers parents a safe, foolproof alternative. Challenging the disease theories of ADD/ADHD, Stein discusses the conditions in modern society and the American family that cause so many children to hate schoolwork and behave disrespectfully to all authority figures. Rejecting the pill solution, he presents a truly effective parent training program called the Caregivers’ Skills Program that helps children learn appropriate behavioral and cognitive skills permanently, without drug therapy.
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Controlling the Difficult Adolescent
By Dr. David B. SteinIntroduces specific methods for parents and for therapists on how to teach parents to control difficult and oppositional adolescents. The oppositional/defiant adolescent engages in behavior that can be described as abusive to and inconsiderate of other family members. Such teenagers do not typically respond well to traditional methods of psychotherapy and often therapists commit these youngsters to psychiatric hospitals. The methods introduced in this book are based on years of research and can be effectively carried out in the home setting, removing the need for hospitalization. Simple rules of conduct and clear expectations for the teen’s behavior are established at the beginning.
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Dumbing Down Our Kids: Why American Children Feel Good About Themselves but Can’t Read, Write, Or Add
By Charles J. Sykes
Nowhere has the flight from quality plaguing American life these days been more obvious than in our primary and secondary schools — on the whole, the graduates seem less well-read and less well-spoken, less knowledgeable and less able to compute. In this book, Charles Sykes asks why, and lays most of the blame at the feet of the trainers of teachers, the writers of textbooks and the educational policy wonks who influence them. He convincingly shows that in many different school systems, and in many different academic fields, with the help of goofy text-books, watered-down requirements and “recentered” test grade scales, American students have come to value feeling good about a subject over being good in it.
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The Feel-Good Curriculum: The Dumbing Down of America’s Kids in the Name of Self-EsteemBy Maureen Stout, Ph.D.
A scathing critique of the self-esteem movement in American public education, complete with practical solutions to counter its ill effects. The so-called self-esteem movement-a progressive, child-centered, discovery model of schooling-has transformed schools into therapeutic clinics and teachers into counselors, creating a generation of entitled, righteous, underachieving children. An insider’s account of the pernicious aspects of this seemingly well-meaning movement, The Feel-Good Curriculum provides devastating evidence that our belief in the power and importance of self-esteem in education is misplaced and without basis.
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The Hyperactivity Hoax : How To Stop Drugging Your Child And Find Real Medical Help.
By Sydney WalkerEach year, millions of children take Ritalin, which means thousands of doctors are diagnosing them with hyperactivity or ADD. But what do these diagnoses mean? Are drugs the answer for these illnesses? And most importantly, is your child getting the proper treatment for his or her problem?
In The Hyperactivity Hoax, neuropsychiatrist Dr. Sydney Walker cogently explores the medical minefield of hyperactivity and helps parents arrive at safe, effective answers for their children, without unnecessarily drugging them with potentially dangerous mind-altering medicine.
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A Dose of Sanity: Mind, Medicine, and Misdiagnosis
By Sydney WalkerDirector of Southern California’s Neuropsychiatric Institute, here argues that clinicians should not rely exclusively on standard psychiatric labels. He contends that labels such as depression, hyperactivity, etc., often hide medically treatable disorders. He notes a trend in psychiatry to lump individuals under broad categorical labels, e.g., mental retardation, which often obscures the specific problems. Drawing upon 30 years of clinical experience, he cites cases illustrating the fallibility of psychiatric labeling.
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The Boy Who Burned Too Brightly.
By David J. Welsh, Brandon Bolt (Illustrator)Although it looks like a child’s book, this subversive little fable is actually written for those who work with or care for children. Colorful illustrations accompany this allegorical tale about a mythical town where everyone has a flame burning on top of their head. Randall’s parents had always enjoyed their son’s unusual and unpredictable flame. But to other eyes, Randall’s flame was a source of annoyance and distraction. Mrs. Steadfast (his teacher) first brings it to their attention, and Dr. Vaticinate (a child pyrologist) quickly confirms the diagnosis of Defective Flicker Syndrome. Soon Randall joins the many other children in Flintville drinking a special additive called “quiescence” in order to burn with consistent, uniform flames.
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Psychiatry: The Ultimate Betrayal
By Bruce WisemanPSYCYIATRY-THE ULTIMATE BETRAYAL examines psychiatry from its early beginnings to the present and traces its rise to influence in our society. It is a remarkable story of style over substance, of promises over results, and unrestrained thirst for power. But it is also the story of gullibility: of the politicians who believed the public relations and kept forking out the dollars; of the educators who violated their duty to pass knowledge on to our young and accepted provenly unworkable theories; of media which naively propagated unspected claims and wild theories as truth.The influence of psychiatric thought upon our lives has been catastrophic. In this searching examination, you will learn exactly how this has happened, how so much of what we casually think of today as “the way it is” had its beginnings in the faulty theories of men who had less than our best interests at heart.But they say knowledge is power, and with this knowledge you will also learn how we can reverse this tide of destruction and regain what is of value in our lives and our society.It is time things changed for the better instead of for the worse. This important book is a tool that will help bring such a change about. It is long overdue.
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Mad In America: Bad Science, Bad Medicine, and The Enduring Mistreatment of the Mentally IllBy Robert WhitakerMedical journalist, Robert Whitaker reveals the disturbing exposé of the cruel and corrupt business of treating mental illness in America. Whitaker argues that modern treatments for the severely mentally ill are just old medicine in new bottles, and that we as a society are deeply deluded about their efficacy. Tracing over three centuries of “cures” for madness, Whitaker shows how medical therapies have been used to silence patients and dull their minds. Perhaps Whitaker’s most damning revelation, however, is his report of how drug companies in the 1980s and 1990s skewed their studies in an effort to prove the effectiveness of their products.