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Tag: Dangerous Psychiatric Drugs

Psychiatry, the Ultimate Betrayal

This book is an eye-opener that gives a remarkably thorough history of psychiatry, dating back from the 19th century to the present day. It exposes the manner in which power, money and influence helped peddle theories as facts, which all led to the stronghold that psychiatry had developed on our world today.

Psychiatry, the Ultimate Betrayal covers everything from electric shock treatments in the 50s to the Holocaust. It examines the role that politicians and the media have had over the years. It really gives the reader an entirely new outlook on ideas so many of us just accepted for years without much thought. It shows how many people believed the lies and unknowingly helped contribute to the growth of this monster, and how many others knew all along that they were hurting our children and robbing them of education and growth, but did it anyways.

This very well-researched book schools our society on the fact that these professionals we have listened to and let infiltrate every area of our lives and our children’s lives, who we allow to tell us what is wrong with us and how we should fix it, have no concern in our best interest. Psychiatry, the Ultimate Betrayal says that now is the time we break apart these evil forces and starting turning society around.

About the Author

Bruce Wiseman is a human rights advocate who has fought for several decades to expose and end human rights abuses in the area of mental health. He is an internationally renowned speaker on the topic of psychiatric abuses, having made over 600 radio and television appearances on the damages psychiatry is inflicting on society, ranging from psychiatric drugs to psychiatric sexual abuse to electro shock therapy. He has done extensive work with legislative and judicial authorities in efforts to eliminate these mental health system abuses, and even testified against involuntary commitment of children in front of the New Jersey Supreme Court Committee. Wiseman is a former chairman of the Department of History at the John F. Kennedy University, and currently serves as the U.S. national president of the Citizens Commission on Human Rights. He holds a master’s degree cum laude from California State University at San Jose, and resides in Los Angeles with his family.


Clinton Miller, National Council for Improved Health:

“Not since Paul Revere took his midnight ride to alert our forefathers that the British were coming has a WARNING been so urgently needed as the wake-up call you deliver in PSYCHIATRY-THE ULTIMATE BETRAYAL”

Morton Feldman, Executive Vice President, National Association of Chiefs of Police:

“Psychiatry-The Ultimate Betrayal…answers a tremendous number of questions as to what happened to cause the social unrest we see on a daily basis in this country.”

Director, Office of Consumer Affairs, New Hampshire Hospital, Concord:

“I think you know that I found Ultimate Betrayal to be unrivaled portrayal of psychiatry’s essential tendency to engage in social engineering under the guise of ‘medical expertise’–a dangerous role that they cleverly cultivate at our expense. This book is extremely well done, and I sincerely hope that it will be widely read.”

Ritalin is Not the Answer: A Drug-Free Practical Program for Children Diagnosed with ADD or ADHD

This book, written by psychologist Dr. David B. Stein and published in 1999, highlights the fact that nearly one-tenth of American children are being prescribed psychotropic drugs which have a slew of serious side effects, and he offers an alternative to these medications. Most of the children on these medications are diagnosed with either attention deficit disorder (ADD) or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). How strange is it that twenty years earlier, these psychiatric labels did not exist?

The common side effects of many of the medications prescribed for ADD and ADHD include insomnia, irritability, anorexia, nausea, dizziness, and heart palpitations. And there is a growing trend of drugs like Ritalin and other speed-like medications in this category being used recreationally and sold as street drugs.

Ritalin is Not the Answer: A Drug-Free Practical Program for Children Diagnosed with ADD or ADHD challenges the status quo and offers parents and teachers an alternative solution to the prevalent go-to use of psychiatric drugging. In the book, Dr. Stein lays out a step-by-step behavioral treatment program called the Caregivers Skill Program. This plan is based on clinical trials and research, and is meant to help children behave better at home, focus better in school, and to be more motivated and emotionally healthy overall. The program is easy to put into action, and the book also provides advice and insight for parents feeling pressured by the school system and psychiatric profession to put their children on medication.

About the Author

Dr. David B. Stein is a psychologist who worked as a clinical practitioner and professor of psychology in Virginia. He also was deputized with the Prince George Co. Police Department in Virginia, and worked as a criminal profiling consultant for Petersburg and Virginia State Police. Dr. Stein is an accomplished author who spent most of his career fighting against and exposing the evils of using amphetamine drugs such as Ritalin to treat children with ADD and ADHD. His other books include The Psychology Industry Under a Microscope, Controlling the Difficult Adolescent: The REST Program, Unraveling the ADD/ADHD Fiasco, and Stop Medicating, Start Parenting. He passed away in 2016 at the age of 73 years old, and is survived by his wife, two sons and two grandchildren.


John Rosemond, Family Psychologist, Author and Nationally Syndicated Columnist:

“My faith in my profession is almost renewed! Stein not only flies in the face of conventional psychological ”wisdom” where ADD/ADHD is concerned, but he has written a book that is completely devoid of psychobabble. Even if you don’t have a child with attention deficit disorder or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, buy ”Ritalin Is Not the Answer”. Thank you, Dr. Stein, for bringing a thousand rays of sunshine to America’s children.”

John W. Verheul, diplomate, American Academy of Family Practice:

“This book should be read by every physician before prescribing Ritalin and is an absolute must for any parent of a child diagnosed as having ADD and ADHD.”

Edward D. Smith, professor of psychology, Longwood College:

“Stein has years of experience at successfully treating hyperactive children without the use of drugs. Any parent who thinks his or her child may have an attention disorder (ADD or ADHD) should read this clear and practical book before seeking treatment.”

The Shooting Drugs – Prozac and its Generation Exposed on the Internet

This book was written by Donna Smart, who is a Prozac survivor. At first she thought Prozac was really helping her, until she realized it was the very reason she lost everything – from her marriage to her successful career to her sanity. Smart learned that Prozac and other similar SSRI drugs such as Zoloft, Paxil and Wellbutrin are meant to create the illusion for the person taking the drug that they are doing “great” and as a result, the person often defends the drug vehemently. Meanwhile, they fail to notice their life falling apart and sanity being taken away from them; ultimately, these drugs create faulty judgement in the people taking them and create a false sense of self.

While Smart managed to come off Prozac and didn’t lose her life, many other victims succumbed to the darkness created in their life by the drug. Actor Phil Hartman was shot to death by his wife who was on Zoloft at the time, and then she proceeded to kill herself. And then there is rock star Del Shannon, civil rights leader Abby Hoffman, and the 50,000 other people that have lost their lives thanks to Prozac-induced suicide. These numbers are provided by a brain specialist who contributed thorough research to the book.

In The Shooting Drugs – Prozac and its Generation Exposed on the Internet, Smart provides over 200 accounts of Prozac side effects from over 200 individuals who took the drug. These side effects range from violent and suicidal ideations to significant weight gain to dysfunction with sex and love. Many have also reported that after taking SSRIs they were led into substance abuse and they became increasingly self-absorbed. Often, the side effects brought on by SSRIs cause patients to avoid coming off the drug.

This book also touches on the prevalent role SSRIs played in school shootings as well as workplace massacres. Smart warns readers about the role the psychiatric community plays and how many doctors do not lead patients to the truth about these drugs. The Shooting Drugs gives a thorough and clear account of the dangers of Prozac and other SSRIs, and makes an excellent case for why no one should take a prescription drug before researching it from every angle.


Psyched Out: How Psychiatry Sells Mental Illness and Pushes Pills That Kill

This book, written by Kelly Patricia O’Meara, drives an important point home: there’s no question that people suffer, often severely, from mental and emotional issues, but what is in question is the scientific evidence that would categorize these mental issues as “diseases.” O’Meara lays out for us how these mental disorders that are now being sold as physical diseases are mostly based on theories, not actual scientific data. An example is the “chemical imbalance” theory. No psychiatrist can produce a test of a patient done to show the changing chemicals in their brain, yet much of the medical community, government and world population seem to accept the “chemical imbalance” theory as scientific fact.

Also mostly based on theory is the effectiveness of many of these psychiatric drugs prescribed for these mental “diseases.” In Psyched Out: How Psychiatry Sells Mental Illness and Pushes Pills that Kill, author O’Meara investigates the shifting of language the FDA has used to cover up potential risks and the lack of successful and effective clinical trials that have taken place with many of these psychiatric drugs. Not only are doctors and pharmaceutical companies not aware or honest enough about potential side effects, they have also failed to address the fact that many of these drugs make mental conditions worse. An example of this is suicidal ideations in children that have come after being prescribed these drugs. While it is up to the people whether they choose to take these drugs, they need to be making that decision based on truth, not blatant falsehoods.

About the Author

Kelly Patricia O’Meara is a former investigative reporter for The Washington Times’ Insight Magazine, and has written a lot of material on the fraud behind psychiatric diagnoses and the dangers of psychiatric drugs. In her 1999 cover story for the The Washington Times’ Insight Magazinecalled “Guns & Doses,” she explored the connection between psychiatric drugs and senseless acts of violence. Prior to her work as a reporter, O’Meara spent sixteen years as a Congressional staffer to several members of Congress. She holds a B.S. in Political Science from the University of Maryland.


Beverly K. Eakmen, The Free Library by Farlex:

“O’Meara’s well-researched statistics show that Americans are awash in prescription psychotropic drugs, especially antidepressants. She makes her case right up front.”

Confessions of an Rx Drug Pusher

This raw and candid story by Gwen Olsen, a former pharmaceutical sales representative, combines an emotional personal narrative with thorough research backed up by statistics, scientific data, court cases and cases studies. Not only will Confessions of an Rx Drug Pusher give readers a birds-eye view of the pharmaceutical industry from an former sales rep that peddled these drugs, it satisfies the mind’s desire for the due diligence that delivers factual and unbiased answers.

Gwen Olsen explains the ins and outs of her former job, how the more sales that pharmaceutical reps like her made, the more they were financially rewarded. This was despite the fact that many of these drugs had been through inadequate testing to understand their long-term effects. She urges patients to be their own advocate, asking questions about any drugs they are prescribed, regarding potential risks and details of clinical trials.

Olsen also tells this story from her perspective as a former victim of the adverse effects of pharmaceutical drugs, and as the aunt to a young woman that committed suicide after a tortured life spent on a plethora of prescription drugs that left her despondent at the very end. Olsen gives her personal stories authority in Confessions of a Drug Pusher by also providing thorough information she gathered about this industry, such as “Prescription drug use has become the third-largest killer of Americans behind heart disease and cancer,” and “more than 180,000 people die annually from the effects of legal drugs.”

About the Author

Gwen Olsen spent fifteen years working as a sales representative for pharmaceutical giants such as McNeil Pharmaceutical, Syntex Laboratories, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Abbott Labs, and Forest Laboratories. She spent most of her career as a hospital rep and specialist rep, educating residents in hospital teaching settings and selling prescription drugs to various doctors. She is now using her unique perspective gained from her professional and personal experiences with pharmaceuticals to help expose Big Pharma, and their greed, corruption and marketing tactics. Olsen is a passionate mental health activist, speaker and writer.


Robert Whitaker, author of Anatomy of an Epidemic:

“In Confessions of an Rx Drug Pusher, Gwen Olsen brings together the knowledge of an “insider” trained to sell doctors on the merits of pills; the personal experience of having taken psychiatric medications and seen how they altered her life; and the deep grief of having lost her niece—following her treatment with psychiatric medications—to suicide. This book has both an intellectual and emotional punch that readers will long remember.”

Dr. Ben Lerner, chiropractor and New York Times bestselling author of Body by God:

“It is easy to disregard prescription drug deaths, medical errors, and U.S. health care crisis statistics as just numbers. However, they are not. In a well researched, impeccably documented, finely written manner Gwen Olsen has given us account of the gripping details of real people hurt by the failures of modern health care. A former pharmaceutical representative herself, the information is as credible as it is compelling. It is vital for those currently taking prescription medication to read and understand this book.”

Meria Heller, producer/host of The Meria Heller Show:

“When you realize what is being sold to you as a “remedy” you will realize how you are playing Russian Roulette with yours and your children’s lives. This book is a MUST read for every American and every parent in the country.”


Prescription for Disaster: The Hidden Dangers in Your Medicine Cabinet

Prescription for Disaster: The Hidden Dangers in Your Medicine Cabinet is a book designed to create informed consumers. There is too little known about the long-term safety of many drugs that are prescribed to hundreds of thousands of children, such as Ritalin. Other drugs like Xanax are very addictive, and there are countless side effects for so many other drugs that are prescribed liberally by doctors. Thanks to lack of testing by the FDA and insufficient monitoring of side effects, and the failure of doctors to provide patients with adequate information about the potential risks for the drug they are being prescribed, it’s no wonder that prescription drugs are involved in 100,000 deaths per year, as the book states. And this is just the beginning of the statistics, shocking situational examples and thorough research that is laid out in this revolutionary book.

Consumers and patients have become part of the problem as well by not being informed, and this is why consumer advocate and prizewinning investigative journalist Thomas Moore wrote this eye-opening book. He provides a wealth of important information on side effects and potential dangers associated with common drugs prescribed for all kinds of medical conditions. Prescription for Disaster: The Hidden Dangers in Your Medicine Cabinet also guides the consumer on what many of the different warnings and labels mean that are found on prescription drugs, and what questions you need to be asking your doctor and pharmacist. Moore makes a strong and emotionally appealing case in this book that should be read by all prescription drug consumers.

About the Author

Thomas J. Moore is a award-winning investigative reporter who also spent six years researching and writing about prescription drug safety and dangers as a senior fellow in health policy at the George Washington Medical Center. He is co-author of more than 30 scientific studies focusing on clinical trials, US Food and Drug Administration regulation of therapeutic drugs, adverse event reporting, pharmacovigilance with electronic health records, and the risks of psychoactive therapeutic drugs.

Aside from Prescription for Disaster, Moore has written three other books total around the safety and dangers of prescription drugs. His book Deadly Medicine told the gripping story of the nation’s worst drug disaster that killed tens of thousands of heart patients. His other two books are called Heart Failure and Lifespan: Who Lives Longer and Why. For ten years Moore served as project director for QuarterWatch: An Independent Perspective on Emerging Drug Risks, a drug safety publication of the non-profit Institute for Safe Medication Practices. His consulting and research are conducted under the umbrella of Drug Safety Research, a sole proprietorship with offices in Alexandria, Virginia. Through his research, Moore has worked with lawyers, the national news media, and pharmaceutical fraud prosecutors on a wide variety of projects.


Kirkus Reviews:

“The key to improving the system, Moore says, is an informed, concerned, and even demanding public, which this book is designed to create. Vintage Moore—sharp, readable, persuasive.”

Who Decides Which People are Mentally Ill…Who Gets That Control?

The website ran an article yesterday titled, Sandy Hook Study Dragging, which on its face is one of the most biased and misinformed articles of “news” this writer has seen in some time.

As is so typical of the reporting in Connecticut, the uses the Sandy Hook shooting as an excuse to attack the gun lobby and cheerlead for increased mental health services in the state. The problem with this self-serving reporting is that there is absolutely no proof that Sandy Hook shooter, Adam Lanza, lacked good mental health services.

In fact, according to the records that have been made available, Lanza received abundant mental health care throughout his life. The problem for the, and other Connecticut “news” organizations, is that it hasn’t read the investigation of the shooting incident.

If anyone at the had read the investigation, it would have become clear that the last five years of mental health records for Adam Lanza do not exist. That’s right. Adam Lanza’s mental health records, since the age of 15, have been withheld from public review.

So how exactly has the come to the conclusion that based on the Sandy Hook shooting, and the subsequent investigation, that increased mental health services are needed or, for that matter, even desired by anyone other than the mental health and pharmaceutical industries?

The argument can, and should, be made that until Adam Lanza’s mental health records are made public and reviewed, that there should be no increases in mental health services. After all, is it not possible that Adam Lanza got the best mental health care that money could buy and maybe, just maybe, the mental health treatment he received needs to be scrutinized? Oops, can’t do that. Not on the agenda?

The article explains that “mental health screenings for buyers and sellers of firearms in Connecticut? Of course. Logic says no one would want a weapon in the hands of a mentally ill person.” Really? Let’s think about this for a moment.

Who decides which people are mentally ill? Who gets that control? If we go by the American Psychiatric Association’s (APA) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) then just about anyone can be labeled “mentally ill.” The DSM so distorts and redefines human behavior that there is a mental illness for every human emotion, including grief and baby tantrums. So how about people who suffer from depression, ADHD, bi-polar, PTSD? Or how about people who are taking a psychiatric mind-altering drug which, at this point, includes 79 million Americans.

And, if these people are too mentally ill to own a fire arm are they also too mentally ill to drive an automobile (a deadly weapon), own knives or baseball bats, continue to serve in the armed forces? It’s easy to see the ridiculousness of such thinking, unless you’re the writer of the article.

Remember it is the mental health “guessperts” that tell people who suffering from mental illness that the drugs they prescribe actually “treat” the disorder. If that’s true, why would there be any problem with mentally ill people owning a firearm, so long as they’re getting the appropriate “treatment?” The mental health community can’t have it both ways. Either psychiatric drugs “work” and “treat” the disorder, or they don’t and that needs to be investigated.

The idea that the would even suggest supporting sweeping mental health increases and firearm restrictions, without even questioning what documentation exists to support it, is insulting to the taxpayers and voters in the state. Come on. Why not just say it up front. There is zero evidence that Adam Lanza lacked good mental health care, but it’s a great excuse for the mental health industry to expand its control over the lives of the people of Connecticut. At least that would be honest.