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February 10, 2024

Saturday, February 10th – Join Us for Dinner In Vero Beach, Florida


AbleChild is honoring three investigative journalists for their achievements in protecting human rights by defending and supporting informed consent.  In addition, we will recognize an individual with an award for a lifetime of service.  Their dedication to the liberty of the human spirit has aligned directly with our mission of “informed consent.”  It is with great honor we share this moment with all our supporters.  The evening in Vero Beach, Florida will have some very interesting guests as well.   These talented and free spirited individuals have the courage it takes to release the strongholds wrapped around our individual liberties.

Join us as we celebrate these outstanding leaders and listen to their insights to overcome the challenges we face today.  Together our objective is to protect President Eisenhower’s Able Child and the National Defense Education Act. 

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