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Tag: Mass Killings

School Shooters’ Nikolas Cruz & Audrey Hale Were Recipients of Drug Cocktails. It’s Time to Make Providers Accountable.

Image by Emilian Danaila from Pixabay

July 9, 2024

Finally, journalists are asking the necessary questions relating to mass shootings, how they are investigated, prosecuted and where the responsibility lies.  The Tennessee Star has nailed the questions that have escaped the smartest guys in the room – the behavioral health unit of the FBI, lawmakers, and the entire justice system. Who is responsible and how did the mental health treatments & psychiatric cocktails contribute to the motivations and actions of so many of today’s mass killers.

The Tennessee Star’s powerful series of leaked documents relating to Audrey Hale’s 22-years of psychiatric treatment by Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) is shocking but, remarkably, not unlike the decades of treatment that the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooter in Parkland, Fl., Nikolas Cruz, received at the hands of the Florida Henderson Behavioral Health, Inc.

Henderson is a behavioral health vendor that is funded by the State of Florida and had many opportunities during his “treatment” sessions to determine Cruz’s mental health status. What did Henderson’s mental health wizards conclude about Cruz? That’s right, Cruz was “not a harm to himself or anyone else” prior to his killing spree. Ironically, like Hale, Cruz lived a life of one psychiatric drug cocktail to the next.

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The Ball is in the Court! Mental Health Outcomes on Trial

Public and private behavioral health relationships are killing our citizens by mass murder.  The merger between public and private entities has long been a problem for the American citizen. Have we reached a saturation level illustrated with mass killings throughout the Country? There is so much evidence at this point, it would be disastrous for us all to ignore.

Is the State acting as a double agent? An agent of the public and an agent of the private companies hired by the State? When the State is in that position, does the State support the citizen or the private company?

The mass school and public killings is a direct example and outcome of this 3-way relationship and hidden danger for the citizen. The State can no longer be trusted when it willfully selects the private company interest over the citizen. There is no greater crime when the State becomes a predator of the very citizen that is funding its existence.

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